Google Balloon Project and Bill Gates Comment
Google with it’s Project Loon Project that they announced in June, they will produce baloons which can be controlled from all over the World. This baloons are Planned to fly at 20.000 feet at the stratospher for 100 day, and the meascrement of the area that the baloons will be hang is 40 kilometre. The reason of doing this is to bring people 3G connection for those who can’t be connected to the internet.
Google tells that, Project Loon will give a chance to many people to reach the medical informations and at the and of this there will be several saved lives. But, Microsoft’s CEO Bill Gates who experionced to help to third World countries, has many doubts about Project Loon’s health benetits.
In an interview that given to Bloomberg Busineesweek by Bill Gates, he told these: “When you are about to die because of Malaria, you will look up above and will see the baloons.But I don’t know how this baloon going to help you.There is no any web site to cure a child who has diarrhea.I believe in heart to the digital revolution getting connected the big health centers and schools together, but it can be discussed how its gonna be helpful or useful. But if you are saying that you can do anything about the malaria directly cure. It can be exceptional.”
According to someone Bill Gates is Right but on the other hand, someone is finding this criticising of him unneedful.
There is a Smilar Project with Project Loon in our country too. The most usefull one is mobile Internet Education Tracks which bring to the children for those who they have never seen a computer during their lifetime . But I would prefer mobile health truck instead of Mobile Internet Track for the children who lives in villages. So I am agree with Bill Gates about that issue.
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